Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity to Manage Network Traffic for European Communication Service Provider

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity has received an initial order from a European communication service provider (CSP) to deliver an advanced traffic analytics solution.

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Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity to Manage Network Traffic for European Communication Service Provider

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity has received an initial order from a European communication service provider (CSP) to deliver an advanced traffic analytics solution.

The holistic analytics system provides granular visibility of the entire network with real-time reporting on network and subscriber data. This ensures to make well-informed decisions for network planning, optimization, new marketing data services and subscriber quality of experience (QoE).

The CSP was looking to replace its current analytics solution to gain high-quality information on network usage and performance for use in multiple departments, including product management, marketing, network operations and customer support. The solution needed to foster strategic decisions and business development. Additionally, the CSP wanted a tailored solution which it can integrate with its existing big data system to enhance other reporting tools.

After an open tendering process the contract has been awarded to Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity, leaving over 20 competitors behind. The implementation phase will start in the second quarter of 2018.

One of the reasons for choosing Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity was the traffic analytics solution’s immense flexibility. Now, the provider can tailor the solution to their needs. Furthermore, the analytics system scales up to a reporting resolution of 1 TBps which addresses the customer’s growing demand for fast data rates to gain a far deeper understanding of their network in real time. Additionally, the solution features the deep packet inspection software R&S PACE 2. It is used globally by network analytics and traffic management vendors and provides industry-leading fast performance, high classification accuracy and weekly protocol and application updates.

“Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity is well aware of the requirements for mobile networks and is pleased that the communication service provider clearly identified our solution as the key enabling technology for operating their mobile network more efficiently,” says Dirk Czepluch, Vice President Network Analytics at Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity. “Our analytics system will be a key building block that underpins a very robust set of use cases for every department, helping the CSP drive QoE improvements and gain new market share. We are dedicated to deliver requested features to meet the customer’s needs and we will continue our investments into this market to ensure the best support for our clients,” adds Czepluch.

Delivering a consistent high quality of experience and service has become increasingly difficult for communication service providers, as subscribers continue to move towards streaming services like Spotify or Netflix. Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity’s intelligent traffic analytics solution is part of the most comprehensive portfolio of technically advanced mobile network testing solutions from Rohde & Schwarz and its subsidiaries. Customers profit from a comprehensive portfolio of solutions covering aspects like planning, optimization and operation. The single-supplier solutions provide insight into aspects like customer experience on the user’s equipment right to core network components. In addition, all these R&S solutions come with the benefit of a global support network.

The network traffic analytics solution will be presented at this year’s Mobile World Congress at booth 6C51, in Barcelona, Spain, February 26 to March 1, 2018.

service provider Rohde & Schwarz Network Traffic Analytics MWC 2018 European Communication cybersecurity