Kaspersky Labs Brings Cyber Spa

Kaspersky has created Cyber Spa - a unique digital space where users can practice various online relaxation techniques aimed at helping them handle digital stress and anxiety. 

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Just as we actively use online tools in all spheres of our life, this also includes the use of technology to help us take care of our well-being. With this in mind, Kaspersky has created Cyber Spa - a unique digital space where users can practice various online relaxation techniques aimed at helping them handle digital stress and anxiety.

Today, we spend a significant portion of our lives online – from studying, working and shopping to searching for love and building communities. However, we are still learning to nurture this relationship with technology so that we can better trust systems and devices with our personal data, and use them more mindfully to avoid potential anxiety or burnout. At Kaspersky, we believe that digital wellbeing should be everyone’s priority, especially at this challenging time we live in. By introducing the Cyber Spa platform, we aim to make you feel more empowered while experiencing less digital stress, so you can enjoy technology, worry-free. 

“The global pandemic has had a large impact on people’s mental health - it has been a huge cause of stress and it has increased our feelings of vulnerability. This is mainly due to the fact that our basic human need for security - as stated in Maslow’s pyramid - has been threatened. Moreover, the fact that social activities have diminished and that many people have switched to teleworking, means that we have endured less leisure time and less possibility to reduce stress from work and to disconnect from it. In this context, the role of telehealth and digital tools to improve our mental health has increased.” comments Berta Vall, Dr. in Psychology, associate professor at Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences, Blanquerna (Ramon Llull University).

On the Cyber Spa platform, users are offered several relaxation procedures: 

  • “Endless serenity” (a set of audiovisual meditations)
  • “Sound therapy” (audio relaxation with futuristic sound)
  • “Fitness selfie” (a set of facial exercises aimed at removing signs of stress and negative emotions) 
  • “Digital stress balls” (tactile anti-stress meditation)

When entering the homepage, Cyber Spa visitors can choose the tool they feel will benefit them most at that moment, or they can go through a diagnostic test to find out their overall stress level. After the test, the platform offers a set of relaxation techniques in the most suitable sequence. 

All the procedures are based on proven self-relaxation techniques, and their affects can be enhanced through repetition. In addition, a set of special sounds - Jupiter techno, infinity of a black hole, and the whisper of a friendly cyborg – have been created specifically for Cyber Spa’s “Sound therapy” treatment.

Dr. Berta Vall adds: “For example, the World Health Organization stated that, during the pandemic, 70% of the countries surveyed have adopted telemedicine or teletherapy for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS). These new digital health solutions help individuals to play an active role in promoting one’s own wellbeing. Moreover, it also allows organizations to promote their workers’ mental health by allowing them access to these digital tools.” 

“The past year has been challenging for everyone. The global pandemic and the massive transition to remote work have affected not only business processes, but also the psychological state of people around the globe. To be able to quickly adapt to new conditions and remain effective, you need a lot of physical and mental strength and it is quite possible that problems such as increased stress and anxiety can emerge. Our recent research showed, for example, that there is a high risk of burnout for those working in IT due to high workloads, and it is important for people to take breaks and relax. At Kaspersky, we believe that technology can make people's lives better, and new digital tools can help people to cope with stress and find peace of mind. We hope that the Cyber Spa platform will help people to relax during a busy working day and to find the right balance,” comments Kristina Branchugova, Brand Communications Group Manager at Kaspersky.

Kaspersky Cyber secuirty Cyber Spa