How WFM Solutions Help Overcome Complex BPO Management Challenges

Article by Mr Vikas Wahee, Head of Solutions – BPM & ITES, Intellicus Technologies

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In today’s fast-paced VUCA business landscape, BPOs are required to be constantly agile, innovative, and adaptable to stay ahead. They need to continually find ways to enhance their operational efficiency and productivity while delivering high-quality services to their customers.

The top challenges faced by BPOs are related to:

Increasing Global Competition & Rising Personnel Costs: With the growth of the BPO industry, competition is increasing and Global competition is the major issue facing for top decision makers in some of the world’s largest BPO companies. It is paving the way to compete globally and increase profitability. The practice is gaining widespread acceptance throughout the globe as an important management tool to improve performance and gain competitive advantage in the global marketplace

The industry's talent arbitrage advantage is eroding as wages increase and inflation drives up cost of running operations. To maintain margins, BPOs need to leverage their data insights to automate processes and reduce human resource dependency.

Actionable Data Insights: BPOs has limitation to use their data effectively to drive process efficiency due to challenges related to volume, quality, accuracy and veracity. In addition, ensuring data security and privacy in compliance with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA and others is a challenge. BPOs face difficulty in hiring data scientists with specialized skills and finding the right tools to analyze data effectively. All these challenges make it difficult for BPOs to extract meaningful timely insights from their data, which can hinder their ability to improve proficiency and deliver better business outcomes.

Talent Retention: BPOs grapple with high employee turnover, which directly impacts the quality of service they provide to their clients. Talent today has specific expectations from their workplace like work-life balance, flexible hours and remote work options. They value a collaborative and supportive workplace culture, want to feel like they are part of a team and that their contributions are appreciated and recognized.  The everyday tasks of workforce scheduling, rostering, absenteeism management etc. are required to be cognizant of these expectations.

Changing Customer Demands: With the emergence of new technologies and changing customer demands, BPOs must constantly adapt to meet their clients' evolving needs. They must be agile and flexible to stay competitive in the market.

Workforce Management Solutions: Modern workforce management (WFM) systems have the potential to mitigate several of these challenges faced by BPOs. The goal of a WFM solution is to ensure that the right people with the right skills are available at the right time to handle the workload efficiently and cost-effectively. It provides a set of tools and processes that enable efficient management and optimization of the workforce.

A WFM solution automates and streamlines processes such as scheduling, task allocation, performance tracking and reporting, allowing for optimizing the workforce and boosting customer experience. It can also manage a large and diverse workforce spread over multiple geographics and time zones using an integrated common set of rules and data.

Optimizing Workforces & Processes to Boost CX: Workflow automation uses historical data patterns to forecast future demand and efficiently plan tasks, capacity, scheduling and time tracking while optimizing service delivery and ensuring SLA compliance. It eliminates human bias and errors, reduces manual efforts, and frees up skilled resources for more strategic tasks. WFM eliminates delays and enables proactive management, resulting in better productivity, reduced costs, and improved bottom-line impact.

Leveraging Data-Driven Insights: Using advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, a modern WFM system identify patterns and trends that may not be visible otherwise. BPOs can better understand their processes, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. For example, it may help identify the root causes of issues like increased call volume or long wait times, enabling managers to take proactive measures to address these issues. Insights on the productivity and performance of individual agents enables managers to improve schedules and assign them to tasks that align with their skill set.

Improving Employee Engagement: A modern WFM solution helps to improve engagement with employees by meeting their workplace expectations. Being digitally native, they connect well with workplace tools and technologies. Apps and other digital tools allow them to easily access their schedule, view performance and competency metrics, learning and development plans and communicate with management and colleagues. They can balance their personal and professional lives with self-service scheduling tools, allowing them to easily request time off or swap shifts with colleagues. A more flexible work environment results in a more motivated and involved workforce.

Overall, WFM solutions lines up with the changing work culture and leads to improved operations, higher productivity, better employee engagement, innovation and agility and ultimately better business outcomes and competitiveness through data-driven decision making.


Vikas Wahee Intellicus Technologies Top News BPO