Exploring The Right Path for Entrepreneurship

The journey of Entrepreneurship to Trading: A Matter of Concern, by Faiz Askari. These days, we always feel that economy is somehow struggling. Especially whenever I interact with entrepreneurs from the MSME segment the argument of why business is going down comes

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Faiz Askari, Entrepreneur, MSMEs, Trading
By Faiz Askari, Founder of SMEStreet.

The analysis of whether to be an entrepreneur or a trader is always a debatable topic. Here is my observation on it.

The journey of Entrepreneurship to Trading: A Matter of Concern

These days, we always feel that economy is somehow struggling. Especially whenever I interact with entrepreneurs from the MSME segment the argument of why business is going down comes. Normally people blame government policies and decision-making process and so on. But, what does this statement: ‘Journey of an Entrepreneur to Trading’ means for the economy.

For me, this means a major alarm. There are many questions around this statement and some of them when I explored for the potential and the convincing reply I have found these answers:

Why are entrepreneurs taking the short route of making money which is taking a trading route?

Obviously, when I spoke to more than a dozen of entrepreneurs personally, I, myself, got convinced that this is a best option to stay profitable entity. Because as a comparison, creating and manufacturing anything requires many things and certain unavoidable things that may come across fall under the category of ‘entrepreneurial challenges’.  These could be documentation, approvals, taxation, licensing, inspections, quality control, quality checks and so on. This holds a great amount of legwork that an entrepreneur has to do with his, busy schedule of work. And last but never least and most importantly availability of finance.

So what could be the right approach, obviously there are elements such as financials, knowledge access, talent access and market access as well, which can lead to a situation that adds value to the businessman?

However, having mentioned all these points, it is the government that can facilitate all these elements for any aspiring or existing entrepreneur.

More articles By Faiz Askari, Founder of SMEStreet.

Education System for Entrepreneurs

Education system also requires a lot of amendments towards entrepreneurship. Whatever we may say, whatsoever, we might place examples of startup funding etc. the general perception of a graduation degree remained focused towards becoming a top level employee. Although, less, but there are some traction towards entrepreneurship development.

On this context, while releasing a report on West Bengal's primary education, Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen expressed his views, by saying, “Constructive discussion is the key to identify and rectify the lapses within the education system and many of the flaws continue to exist due to lack of discussions,”

Although industry is normally complaining that ‘educating the educated’ is a biggest concern for them. However, we somehow ignore the topic of ‘how to educate the educated to innovate’.

Moreover, when we innovate, the concept of product development will automatically come into picture and a true business leadership will take a lead.

MSME Entrepreneur MSMEs Education Entrepreneurs Trading Faiz Askari Business Education Amritya Sen SMEs