Elon Musk’s Tesla Produced 180000 vehicles And Delivered Nearly 185000 Units in Q1

Tesla stated, “The new Model S and Model X have also been exceptionally well received, with the new equipment installed and tested in Q1 and we are in the early stages of ramping production.”

SMEStreet Edit Desk
New Update
Elon Musk, SapceX, Falcon-9, Space Mission, NASA

Tesla has performed better than expected by the market. Electric car maker Tesla delivered 1,84,800 vehicles in the first quarter. This is despite major supply chain and production disruption caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The company produced just over 1,80,338 units of Model 3 and Model Y and delivered around 1,82,780 units. Meanwhile, the company delivered 2,020 of its higher-end models S and X. The company stated that it received strong reception for the Model Y in China.

Tesla is quickly progressing to full production capacity, it stated.

Tesla stated, “The new Model S and Model X have also been exceptionally well received, with the new equipment installed and tested in Q1 and we are in the early stages of ramping production.”

It was found that Musk’s Bay Area production plant reported around 450 COVID-19 cases (from May 2020 to December 2020). Meanwhile, in Tesla’s facilities in Fremont, California as well there were multiple cases due to which the plant had to be shut down for some time.

Elopn Musk Tesla