Wholesale Price Index Registered at 4.17% for Feb 2021

The rate of inflation, based on monthly WPI, stood at (4.17%) (provisional) for the month of February, 2021 (over February, 2020) as compared to 2.26% during the corresponding month of the previous year.

SMEStreet Edit Desk
New Update
Inflation, WPI Report SMEStreet

The Office of the Economic Adviser, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade is releasing index numbers of wholesale price in India for the month of February, 2021 (Provisional) and for the month of December, 2020 (Final) in this press release. Provisional figures of Wholesale Price Index (WPI) are released on 14th of every month (or next working day) with a time lag of two weeks of the reference month and compiled with data received from institutional sources and selected manufacturing units across the country. After 10 weeks, the index is finalized and final figures are released and then frozen thereafter.


The rate of inflation, based on monthly WPI, stood at (4.17%) (provisional) for the month of February, 2021 (over February, 2020) as compared to 2.26% during the corresponding month of the previous year.


All Commodities/Major Groups


Weight (%)

Dec-20 (F) Jan-21 (P) Feb-21 (P)
Index Inflation Index Inflation Index Inflation
ALL COMMODITIES 100.0 125.4 1.95 125.9 2.03 127.3 4.17
I.  PRIMARY ARTICLES 22.6 148.0 -0.60 143.9 -2.24 145.4 1.82
II.  FUEL & POWER 13.2 96.9 -6.10 99.7 -4.78 104.2 0.58
III.  MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS 64.2 123.3 4.49 124.9 5.13 125.7 5.81
FOOD INDEX 24.4 154.7 1.11 151.8 -0.26 153.0 3.31

Note: P: Provisional, F: Final, * Rate of Inflation calculated over corresponding month of last year.


The movement of the index for the various commodity group is summarized below:-

PRIMARY ARTICLES (Weight 22.62%)

The index for this major group increased by (1.04%) to 145.4 (provisional) in February, 2021 from 143.9 (provisional) for the month of January, 2021. Prices of Minerals (9.40%), Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas (6.50%) and Food Articles (0.51%) increased in February, 2021 as compared to January, 2021. Prices of Non-food Articles (-0.51%) declined in February, 2021 as compared to January, 2021.

FUEL & POWER (Weight 13.15%)

The index for this major group increased by (4.51%) to 104.2 (provisional) in February, 2021 from 99.7 (provisional) for the month of January, 2021. Prices of Mineral Oils (8.88%) increased in February, 2021 as compared to January, 2021. Prices of Electricity (-0.43%) declined in February, 2021 as compared to January, 2021. Prices of coal remain unchanged.


The index for this major group increased by (0.64%) to 125.7 (provisional) in February, 2021 from 124.9 (provisional) for the month of January, 2021. Out of the 22 NIC two-digit groups for Manufactured products, 17 groups that have witnessed increase in prices are manufacture of other manufacturing; furniture; other transport equipment; motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers; machinery and equipment; computer, electronic and optical products; fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment; other non-metallic mineral products; rubber and plastics products; chemicals and chemical products; printing and reproduction of recorded media; paper and paper products; wood and of products of wood and cork; textiles; tobacco products; beverages; food products in February, 2021 as compared to January, 2021. Whereas 5 groups that have witnessed decrease in prices are manufacture of electrical equipment; basic metals; pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products; leather and related products; wearing apparel in February, 2021 as compared to January, 2021.

WPI FOOD INDEX (Weight 24.38%)

The Food Index consisting of 'Food Articles' from Primary Articles group and 'Food Products' from Manufactured Products group have increased from 151.8 in January, 2021 to 153.0 in February, 2021. The rate of inflation based on WPI Food Index increased from -0.26% in January, 2021 to 3.31% in February, 2021.



ForthemonthofDecember,2020,thefinalWholesalePriceIndexandinflationratefor'AllCommodities' (Base: 2011-12=100) stood at 125.4 and 1.95%respectively.

  1. The WPI for February, 2021 have been compiled at a weighted response rate of 77 percent, while the final figure for December 2020 is based on the weighted response rate of 91 percent. TheprovisionalfiguresofWPIwillundergorevisionasperthefinalrevisionpolicyofWPI.
  2. Price Data are collected from selected institutional sources and industrial establishments spread across the country online through web-basedportalmaintainedbytheNationalInformatics Centre.  This press release, item indices, and inflation numbers are available at our home page http://eaindustry.nic.in
WPI Wholesale Price Index Inflation