SMEStreet is Inviting Recommendations for the upcoming Union Budget 2022

SMEStreet is inviting recommendations and wishes for the upcoming Union Budget 2022. Deadline is January 10th 2022

SMEStreet Edit Desk
New Update
Budget Recommendations for MSME Oriented Economy

Union Budget is the document that actually shows the roadmap for the economic activity of the country. This year's Union Budget is all the more important because of the struggle that MSMEs and the entire industry have experienced due to the Pandemic.

We at SMEStreet are considering this our duty since 2014 to express a true reflection of MSMEs' expectations from the finance minister with respect to the Union Budget. So going by the practice of collecting inputs from MSMEs and industry stakeholders in order to showcase the economic and business-related expectations, this year SMEStreet Foundation is inviting comments, recommendations and opinions from industry stakeholders.

The deadline for this is January 10th 2022 and in order to participate in this please write an email to us at

Please mention 'Budget Recommendations and Industry Segment' in the subject line. For example, if you are writing recommendations and you are representing the textiles industry then in your email, you should mention 'Budget Recommendations for Textile Industry'. The same goes for IT Industry or Fintech, or Startups etc.






Top News SMESTreet Foundation Budget Demands MSME Expectations for Budge 2022 Union Budget recommendations Union Budget 2022 MSME Demands SMEStreet