SMEStreet GameChangers: Salute to Corporate COVID Warriors

SMEStreet GameChangers is an attempt to raise the respect to all the Smart Fighters who contributed in fighting COVID-19 at a corporate or business level. This exercise is to motivate the Good doers who stood between COVID and their Business. We welcome nominations from CXOs, CEOs, CMOs, CIOs, Business Heads and MSME/SME Entrepreneurs in particular. Write to us as we value your recommendations.

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Game Changers, SMEStreet GameChangers, COVID-19, CXOs, CEOs, CMOs, CTOs, CIOs

Every crisis has some positive takeaway. Every challenge can lead to an innovative solution which can be a benchmark. Those catalysts which can make such benchmark out of a crisis are Game Changers.

In the era of COVID Pandemic, we have witnessed the scale of this crisis. As a media platform, we realized the importance of motivating those Game Changers who paved this phase with their dedication and professional acumen in emerging as a winner for their organization, society or their business ecosystem. 

SMEStreet GameChangers is an attempt to recognize such individual success stories who have made a significant impact in their respective horizon of business. Success stories of successful Corporate COVID Warriors while doing something innovative, something constructive in sustaining business will get showcased here. We can refer these heroes as COVID warriors of sustaining business.

Whether you are designated to work in Marketing or IT  or looking after the sales for your respective business, or whether you are driving your enterprise as an entrepreneur, we salute your gesture of contribution in sustaining the business ecosystem. 

Whether you implemented technology which created an opportunity to sustain the work, or you implemented a sales strategy which allowed social distancing driven sales approach. All these and success stories are welcome here.

At  SMEStreet, we invite you to share your’s or your colleague’s or your manager’s profile for making a significant difference in the tough days of COVID-19. The winners will get profiled and featured on along with a certificate of appreciation from SMEStreet Foundation. 

SMEStreet GameChangers will become a platform to motivate and spread the good. With an aim that this GameChanger recognition will inspire Good Factor in others.

To nominate your GameChanger, write to our team at or or drop a WhatsApp message at +919354645130. 

Keep up the Good Work!



CXOs CMOs CEOs CTOs COVID 19 CIOs SMEStreet GameChangers Game Changers