PM Modi is Conversation with Chief Ministers to Understand Their Opinion on Unlock 2.0

It is expected that PM Modi would like to hear from the state CMs and understand their preparedness for unlock phase. So, Post June 30th we may expect the announcement for Unlock 2.0.

SMEStreet Edit Desk
New Update
Narendra Modi, Lockdown 4.0, Economic Package, MSMEs, Labours, Self Dependent India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had started his online conference with Chief Ministers to discuss coronavirus and plans for after June 30, when the current phase of the countrywide lockdown comes to an end. The meeting comes amid a 'violent face-off" between India and China in Ladakh that took place overnight.

It is expected that PM Modi would like to hear from the state CMs and understand their preparedness for unlock phase. So, Post June 30th we may expect the announcement for Unlock 2.0.

Amid the world's battle with the pandemic -- which surfaced in China in December -- the army reported a "violent face-off" with China in Ladakh's Galwan Valley last night, in which "casualties (were) suffered on both sides". An officer and two soldiers of the Indian army died. This was the first violent incident involving fatalities since 1967 between India and China, who fought a brief border war in 1962.

In the afternoon, sources in the Prime Minister's Office said PM Modi's scheduled meeting with Chief Ministers via video conferencing on COVID-19 "will be held as per the plan".


Narendra Modi COVID 19 Unlock 2.0 COVID-19 Lockdown Coronavirus