Global Fisheries Conference India 2023
Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying Shri Parshottam Rupala will inaugurate Global Fisheries Conference India 2023 at Gujarat Science City, Ahmedabad on 21st November 2023. The concept has thus taken shape of a two-day conference from 21st to 22nd November 2023 on the occasion of World Fisheries Day being celebrated globally. The Global Fisheries Conference India 2023 was conceptualised by the Department of Fisheries with the aim of devising a way forward for the Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture sector in conjunction with the stakeholders from the fisheries’ value chain.
The event will kick-start with the inauguration of the Exhibition by Union Minister Shri Parshottam Rupala and followed by the Inaugural session, Press Conference, International Round table and parallel Technical Sessions, Industry Connect Sessions and G2G/G2B and B2B Bilaterals. The exhibition stalls and food mela will be accessible to all visitors and participants throughout the two days, post inaugural ceremony.
One of the key event will be the International Roundtable led by Union Minister Shri Parshottam Rupala with the foreign missions of France, New Zealand, Norway, Australia, Russia, Spain, Zimbabwe, Angola, Brazil and Greece, International organisations namely Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN-FAO), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bay of Bengal Program (BoBP), Marine Stewardship Council India (MSC India) among others, Ministers from the States/UTs of Arunachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himanchal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Goa and Andhra Pradesh along with senior officials from Department of Fisheries (GoI), National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), State/UT Fisheries Departments and Fisheries institutes. The objective of the International Roundtable will be to discuss collaborations with international organizations, Ministries, research institutions among others on sustainable fishing practices, aquaculture technologies and resource management.
Global Fisheries Conference India 2023 is a unique opportunity that is expected to bring together varied stakeholders at one place platform. More than 5000 participants will be hosted during the two days for multiple sessions and engaged in thought provoking discussions and deliberations. In total a series of ten sessions have been planned for the Technical Sessions and the Industry Connect Sessions. Whilst open forums for Government-to-Government (G2G)/Government-to-Business (G2B) and Business-to-Business (B2B) Bilaterals will be simultaneously held.
The Technical Sessions have been planned with the objectives of fostering deeper understanding of trending topics in Fisheries sector pertaining to challenges and opportunities in Inland Aquaculture, Coastal Aquaculture and Mariculture, Deep Sea Fishing, sustainable aqua feed, fish health management, innovations & best practices, New and Emerging Technologies etc.
The Industry Connect Sessions are also planned during event with focus on bringing together business and industrial organisations in the fisheries sector to share market insights, trends, opportunities and challenges while networking and foster collaborations/partnerships.
The G2G/G2B/B2B bilaterals are also being facilitated to entail discussion and dialogues between policy makers, experts and industry for knowledge sharing, networking etc. This is an open format forum for stakeholders to freely explore opportunities for bilateral discussion and deliberations.
The exhibition is also organized that hosts more than 200+ exhibitors, who are demonstrating a wide range of products, services and innovations by the start-ups, associations, co-operatives, SHGs, and small-medium enterprises from the sector. A special pavilion has been set up that exhibits chosen start-ups RAS, Artificial Reef, Seaweeds, Transponders, Raceways, Deep Sea Fishing Harbours etc.
At a macro level, all activities planned during the Global Fisheries Conference 2023 are expected to yield views and thought process of national and international stakeholders for identifying focus areas, gaps, opportunities, solutions and partnerships for the development of the Indian Fisheries sector.