MoS Heavy Industries Shri Krishan P Gujjar Updated Rajya Sabha regarding PLI Schemes

Ministry of Heavy Industries launched PLI Schemes for Automobile and Auto Component Industry and National Programme on Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage with a vision to make India self-reliant

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Krishan Pal Gurjar

The Union Minister of State for Heavy Industries, Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha informed that this Ministry has launched two (02) Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Schemes, namely PLI Scheme for Automile and Auto Component Industry, and PLI Scheme for National Programme on Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage.

(i) PLI Scheme for Auto mobile and Auto Component Industry:-With the aim to boost India’s manufacturing capabilities in the automobile and the auto components sector, government approved a PLI Scheme namely ‘PLI Scheme for Automobile and Auto Component Industry’ for this sector with a total budgetary outlay of Rs.25,938 crores over a period of 5years (FY2022-23toFY2026-27). Total expected employment generation and total expected cumulative increase in eligible sales are 1.45Lakh (Direct employment) and ₹2,31,500 Crore, respectively over a period of 5 years. The details of this scheme may be seen at

(ii) PLI Scheme for National Programme on Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage:-To enhance India’s manufacturing capabilities for manufacture of Advance Chemistry Cell(ACC) in  India, government approved a PLI Scheme for setting up manufacturing facilities for Advance Chemistry Cell (ACC), Battery Storage in India, with an outlay of Rs.18,100 crores for 7 years  (including two years of gestation period). Total estimated investment to be made by the beneficiary firm sis to the tune of Rs.27,000 crore. The scheme will generate employment of 2.7lakhs. The details of this scheme may be seen at

With the vision of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat and to make India as a self-reliantnation, MHI has launched PLI Scheme for Automobile and Auto Component Industry, and PLI Scheme for National Programme on Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage with the objective of Domestic Value Addition (DVA) in the products manufactured in India. In PLI Auto, minimum 50% DVA will be required to get the incentive. In PLI ACC scheme, the beneficiary firms are required to achieve a minimum of 25% DVA by end of 2nd Year and 60% by the end of 5th Year of the scheme.


pli Krishan Pal Gujjar PLI Scheme