The Phase-II of Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India) proposes to give a push to Electric Vehicles (EVs) in public transport and encourage adoption of EVs by way of market creation and demand aggregation. The scheme envisaged the holistic growth of EV industry including providing charging infrastructure and push toward greater Indigenization. FAME-II aims to support through subsidies, 7090 e-Buses, 5 lakh e-3 Wheelers, 55000 e-4 Wheeler Passenger Cars and 10 lakh e-2 Wheelers. Further, a draft National Automotive Policy has been prepared by Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) and placed on the website of MHI (www.heavyindustries.gov.in). The draft policy is holistic in nature and addresses the interests of the Automotive Industry in meeting the objectives of the Auto Mission Plan 2016-26.
The Ministry of Heavy Industries had sanctioned 520 Charging Stations/ Infrastructure under the Phase-I of FAME India Scheme. Further, this Ministry has also sanctioned 2,877 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in 68 cities across 25 States/UTs and1576 charging stations across 9 Expressways and 16 Highways under Phase II of FAME India Scheme. Under FAME India Scheme I & II, a total of 532 charging stations have been installed as on 15thJuly, 2022 (479 FAME-I and 53 under FAME-II). Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) has informed that Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) as on 01.07.2022 established 3448 electric vehicle charging stations at their Retail Outlets (ROs).
The details are given at ANNEXURE A.
Ministry of Power on 14.01.2022 has issued the revised consolidated Guidelines & Standards on Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles and it has been clarified that any individual/ entity is free to set up public charging stations provided that, such stations meet the technical, safety as well as performance standards and protocols and norms/ standards/ specifications decided by Ministry of Power, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Central Electricity Authority (CEA) from time to time.
To facilitate the establishment of Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles, following actions have been taken by the Government of India:
- FAME-India Scheme: Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) has launched Phase-II of FAME India Scheme which provides for INR 1000 Crores for installation of Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles.
- Grid Connectivity and Safety regulations: Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has issued amendments in the regulations regarding Technical Standards pertaining to Grid Connectivity and Safety of supply for Charging Stations.
iii. Guidelines and Standards: Revised consolidated Guidelines and Standards for Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles were issued by Ministry of Power vide MoP Communication No.12/2/2018-EV (Comp No. 244347) on 14.01.2022.
- Central Nodal Agency: Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been selected as the Central Nodal Agency (CNA) under the provisions of Guidelines issued on01.10.2019.
- Go Electric Campaign: Ministry of Power along with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Ministry of Heavy Industries and NITI Aayog has launched a nationwide “Go Electric” Campaign on 19.02.2021 to educate the general public on the benefits of e-mobility, inform the potential EV owners about the Government incentives for EV adoption, generate curiosity and transform the same into demand.
Electric vehicle charging stations operationalised by Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) at their Retail Outlets (ROs) as on 01.07.2022
State/UT | No of ROs where EV Charging Facility available |
Andaman & Nicobar | 2 |
Andhra Pradesh | 191 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 9 |
Assam | 61 |
Bihar | 87 |
Chandigarh | 14 |
Chhattisgarh | 115 |
Delhi | 75 |
Goa | 31 |
Gujarat | 219 |
Haryana | 199 |
Himachal Pradesh | 33 |
Jharkhand | 47 |
J&K UT | 26 |
Karnataka | 250 |
Kerala | 102 |
Lakshadweep | 1 |
Madhya Pradesh | 242 |
Maharashtra | 183 |
Manipur | 16 |
Meghalaya | 8 |
Nagaland | 6 |
Odisha | 118 |
Pondicherry | 3 |
Punjab | 125 |
Rajasthan | 281 |
Tamil Nadu | 235 |
Telangana | 224 |
Tripura | 16 |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu | 1 |
Uttar Pradesh | 308 |
Uttarakhand | 43 |
West Bengal | 177 |
Grand Total | 3448 |
Operational charging stations under FAME-I:
Sl. No. | Name of State/ UT | Operational Charging stations Under FAME-I |
1. | Telangana | 57 |
2. | Jharkhand | 30 |
3. | Goa | 30 |
4. | Karnataka | 65 |
5. | Himachal Pradesh | 9 |
6. | Uttar Pradesh | 16 |
7. | Rajasthan | 49 |
8. | Delhi | 94 |
9. | Chandigarh UT | 48 |
10. | Delhi-Jaipur- Agra Highway | 31 |
11. | Mumbai-Pune Expressway | 17 |
12. | Jaipur- Delhi Highway | 9 |
13. | Delhi- Chandigarh Highway | 24 |
Total | 479 |
Operational charging stations under FAME-II:
Sl no | State/UT | City | Operational Charging stations Under FAME-II |
1 | Delhi | Delhi | 15 |
2 | Maharashtra | Navi Mumbai | 1 |
3 | Nagpur | 7 | |
4 | Tamil Nadu | Chennai | 8 |
5 | Kerala | Thrissur | 8 |
6 | Ernakulum | 6 | |
7 | Kannur | 2 | |
8 | Gujarat | Ahmedabad | 2 |
9 | Karnataka | Bangalore | 1 |
10 | Madhya Pradesh | Indore | 2 |
11 | Rajasthan | Jaipur | 1 |
Total | 53 |
This information was given by the Minister of State for Heavy Industries Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar in a written reply in the Lok Sabha