Ministry of Ayush is all set to de-clutter and improve upon the working space across national institutes, organisations, research councils, subordinate organizations etc., and its’ own premises as per the Special Campaign 3.0 (Special Campaign for Disposal of Pending Matters) initiative. Ministry has successfully identified targets for the special campaign and all efforts are underway to achieve the targets in a time bound, coordinated way, and the targets set forth will have clear requisite visibility.
Swachhata Campaign 3.0
The Campaign 3.0 preparation began from 15th September 2023 to identify targets to be taken up for cleaning during the campaign period. The Main campaign started from October 2 during which special focus will be given to achieve space management and enhancement of workplace experience in offices. The campaign 3.0 is the latest step to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and address concerns.
During the Preparatory phase of Special Campaign 3.0, the targets were all set to reduce the pendency and dispose of all within the campaign duration. As identified by Ministry of Ayush, so far the pendency stands as following; references from MP’s is 30, Parliamentary Assurance 17, Public grievances 72, PMO references 3, Public grievance 21, Management of files 305. The Ministry targets to dispose of all these pendency’s during the Special Campaign 3.0.
Ministry has inspected all the identified cleanliness sites in the office premises and directed all the senior officers to put their best efforts to achieve the target during the campaign period. Daily progress is being monitored by a dedicated team.
As a part of Swacchata Hi Seva campaign, the Ayush Ministry’s cleanliness drive was observed across India, and various activities were taken up. The Institutes, organisations, councils took up cleaning of their premises, neighborhood, public places like bus stands, parks, herbal gardens, and even lakes, ponds etc. Senior officials and Ayush fraternity cleaned Ayush Bhawan and respective neighborhood as a part of the drive.
As in the Swacchata campaign, the Ministry of Ayush has also requested various states/ UTs, research councils, national institutes, subordinate organisations, and other statutory bodies to observe related activities. It is pertinent to note here that earlier efforts in disposal of pending matters have resulted in remarkable achievements, and Ministry is able to improve upon the overall ranking.