Chintan Shivir on “CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs” at CRTDH-Indian Institute of Toxicology

Through the DSIR-CRTDHs, the CRTDHs encourage and direct the growth of locally produced goods and services that boost the momentum for "Vocal for Local" and Atma Nirbhar Bharat.

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Dr N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary, DSIR & Director General, CSIR, CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs

In view to create an enabling environment for nurturing Industrial Research and developing innovative products and processes among Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) has been implementing a scheme that supports creation of Common Research and Technology Development Hubs (CRTDHs). The CRTDHs are dedicated for use by MSMEs. DSIR has established 18 CRTDHs across the country in five sectors, namely, Electronics/Renewable Energy, Affordable Health, Environmental interventions, Low cost machining and New materials / Chemical Processes. The CRTDHs set up across the country aim to enhance productivity, increase the innovative skills of MSMEs and help them to become globally competitive and generate employment. The CRTDHs promote and lead towards indigenous development of products and services that strengthen the momentum for “Vocal for Local” and “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” through the DSIR-CRTDHs.

DSIR has planned to organize “Chintan Shivir-CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs” at all the 18 CRTDHs in order to strengthen the interaction between the CRTDHs and MSMEs/Start-ups/innovators. The first "Chintan Shivir" in this series was successfully organized on 27th July, 2023 at DSIR-CRTDH set up at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur). Second one day ‘Chintan Shivir- CRTDH Empowering MSMEs’ will be organized by the CRTDH at Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow along with DSIR on 24th August 2023.

The event will begin with a short visit to the CRTDH facilities led by the Guests and Delegates. The event will be inaugurated by Dr N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary, DSIR & Director General, CSIR followed by her inaugural address. The session will then proceed with an opening remark by Dr Bhaskar Narayan, Director, IITR, Lucknow and an overview of Chintan Shivir by Dr. Sujata Chaklanobis, Scientist-G & Head-CRTDH, DSIR. A video of DSIR-CRTDH-IITR, Lucknow will also be released during the event by Secretary, DSIR & Director General, CSIR. The event will be attended by Dr N. Kalaiselvi (Secretary, DSIR & Director General, CSIR), Dr Bhaskar Narayan (Director, IITR, Lucknow), Dr. Sujata Chaklanobis (Scientist-G and Head, CRTDH), Dr Vipin C Shukla (Member Secretary, CRTDH) and senior officers Dr Ranjeet Bairwa, Dr Kailash Petkar from DSIR along with Dr. Parthasarathi, PI-CRTDH and his team. Representatives from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and delegates from the Chambers of Commerce and industry associations will participate in this important event and get the benefits of CRTDH in their R&D endeavors.

The thematic sessions will focus on the overview of futuristic technology interventions at CRTDH-IITR, Lucknow by Director, CSIR-IITR, Lucknow followed by brief on activities of CRTDH at IITR, Lucknow by Dr. Parthasarathi to explore MSME Connect & Opportunities. A breakout session among MSMEs to brainstorm on challenges faced by them followed by short presentation will be conducted. These discussions will lead to a “Samvad” for identifying Grand Challenges of MSMEs/Startups/Innovators and addressing possible solutions from the CRTDH. These sessions will highlight the role of CRTDH in empowering MSMEs in the country. Delegates from the industry associations will also present insights on the need of MSMEs in achieving their R & D needs.

The event will have interactive sessions with the MSMEs/Start-ups/innovators with the aim to arrive at possible solutions for challenges faced by them, as well as create synergy between DSIR-CRTDH-IITR, Lucknow, MSMEs and other stakeholders.

Empowering MSMEs DSIR & Director General CRTDHs Empowering MSMEs CRTDH Lucknow Common Research and Technology Development Hubs Affordable Health Dr N Kalaiselvi Chintan Shivir Secretary CSIR