Bamboo Plantation Site and Nursery Set Up by Ministry of DoNER

North East Cane and Bamboo Development Council (NECBDC), sets up Nuresery and Bamboo Plantation Site Under Ministry of Doner

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Jitendra Singh

North East Cane and Bamboo Development Council (NECBDC), under North Eastern Council, Shillong under the Ministry of DoNER, Govt. of India involves its creativity and resource in talent scouting, training, technology sourcing, market linkage for giving a new age thrust to the age-old bamboo sector. Keeping in mind the fast track changes in the global marketplace, contemporizing the traditional presentational aesthetics of bamboo end products receives our priority. The bamboo nursery site at LeirikKhul, Imphal West District and the Bamboo plantation site at Konshak Khul, Kangpopkpi District, Manipur.

Bamboo has managed to create a special interest for itself among policymakers. However, there are a number of startups and MSMEs operating in bamboo sector that require govt schemes and programs that are designed to give a jumpstart for chasing the Growth in Business. One of the unique examples of Bamboo driven businesses - San-Eco Vision is featured here on SMEStreet.


Bamboo nursery site LeirikKhul, Imphal, West District


Bamboo plantation site at  Konshak Khul, Kangpopkpi District, Manipur




Bamboo plantation site at  Konshak Khul, Kangpopkpi District, Manipur



Bamboo plantation site at  Konshak Khul, Kangpopkpi District, Manipur




Bamboo plantation site at  Konshak Khul, Kangpopkpi District, Manipur



Bamboo plantation site at  Konshak Khul, Kangpopkpi District, Manipur

Jitendra Singh Bamboo DoNeR