The market is constantly changing and, with it, consumer demands and current methodologies are also changing.
In order to stay competitive - as a company or even as a professional - it is necessary to seek theoretical and practical updating, valuing what is a tendency and what has been giving the result. In the case of new management models, for example, the dynamics are no different. At Zoe Talent Solutions you will gain more knowledge about Business Management Models.
In this post, you will properly understand why it is so important to keep track of the news that can help you improve your performance as a leader. In addition, you will also know a little more about the latest management models as well as their particularities.
Leadership And Management Models:
Understand The Importance Of Linking
The figure of the leader arouses deference and respect. When occupying a supervisory position, the professional is automatically raised to a position of reference, having their attitudes observed, valued and replicated by the team.
When faced with new behaviours and demands, the leader needs to be the first to adjust, seeking ways to stay constantly updated. An open stance to what is new, with a firm awareness of the need to prioritize interpersonal development, is essential for a concise and relevant performance.
In this context, aspects of leadership are directly associated with management models, since they are linked in essence. If you want to maintain a relevant performance, the professional needs to be aware of the management trends, whose models must follow the evolution of society itself.
Never underestimate the desires of your team, your client, and the entire community around you. Leadership is also intelligence, availability, search for innovation and constant thirst for learning!
Management Models: Know The Main Modern Trends
When speaking of efficient management, many theories are devoted to explaining how to optimize resources - material and financial, but especially human - for the best results.
To solve the difficulties that emerge from a volatile market, by providing leaders with the best tools for integrated job execution, management models emerge as essential tools.
Empowerment Management
Focused on fostering and stimulating autonomy in its team, this type of management induces the leader to delegate important tasks and strengthen the employees' self-esteem. It consists of valuing the individual and giving him the confidence to perform his activities independently.
That is, the employee is encouraged to make decisions on his own, based on information provided by the team or the manager, thus increasing his responsibility to the company.
Its application is carried out mainly in institutions that maintain a more participative culture and that allow its teams to manage themselves, sharing the power with the collaborators.
This concept does not apply to more bureaucratic organizations with tougher rules, since greater freedom is required for employees to act freely.
This management model presents 4 basic pillars that must be developed for the success of its implantation in a company. Are they:
- Power: to give people working in the company the authority and responsibility to make decisions according to their level within the organization. That is, the autonomy of action;
- Motivation: Encourage all team employees on an ongoing basis, recognizing their performance, rewarding for good results and allowing everyone to achieve the glory of achieving goals;
- Development: investing in the company's professionals who stand out in order to offer training and specialization, further improving their performance within the institution. The goal is to develop talents and encourage other collaborators to also seek prominence;
- Leadership: Cultivate a real culture of leadership within the organization, with the creation of achievable goals and constant guidance from all employees.
Management Linked To Collaboration
It presupposes an open leadership, focused on sharing rather than imposition. In this model, the team moves away from hierarchical engrossment and begins to act in a more integrated way, expressing opinions and giving feedback.
This model, like that of empowerment, is also focused on the active participation of all team members in the operational and corporate decisions of the organization as a whole.
However, we have a basic difference. Unlike the model presented previously, the decision is not delegated to any of the employees, but their opinion is heard by the manager and taken into account.
In order for this management model to work, it is necessary for the company's management to really listen to what the professionals propose. Otherwise, in a short time they will stop thinking.
Hearing the suggestions of those who are daily involved in the company's routines and knows their weaknesses in loco is a strategic factor in the decisions and can turn into good solutions to the challenges faced.
Many companies choose this model, other than empowerment, to maintain decision - making power, but also rely on the knowledge and input of the entire team when deciding.
Positive Character Management
It is based on the stimulus of positive behavior, mitigating possible censorship and maximizing a comprehensive, thought-provoking and creative environment. In this model, the leader is primarily responsible for cultivating healthy relationships and disseminating positive values.
The main point here is to encourage the employee to develop his skills through a positivist environment and without reprisals or containment of ideas.
Even if certain projects are not viable, it is interesting to encourage them, creating an environment of constant exchange of ideas and creativity and making employees feel integrated into the company.
In this way, they will share all their ideas, and at some point, interesting cases may arise that may be used for real application within the company.
Focusing on the individual, rather than standardized and cold procedures, this type of management values social capital and is concerned with the technical and behavioural development of each employee.
To do this, the leader provides the necessary inputs (knowledge, reference, guidance, etc.) and closely monitors the growth of his subordinate in order to monitor his performance and stonewall.
In this model, it is necessary to worry much more about the collaborator as a human being than as a simple employee, recognizing their capabilities and failures and working to improve their development as a person and professional within the organization.
Here, the manager should act as a mentor , conducting a survey of all the employee's skills and desires, and working with him to develop them in the best possible way.
Management Based On Innovation
In response to technological evolution, which optimizes routines and resources closely associated with administration, the management model based on innovation is increasingly accurate and essential. It is about conferring high performance , transparency and security to the team's processes, gathering consistent and credible results.
This model, which emerged thanks to the technological evolution that has been digitally transforming our lives, aims to always find new management methodologies, processes and technologies that can be applied in the search for better results.
In this paradigm, the company manager can benefit directly from new trends even before its competitors have access to them, which allows much more competitiveness in the market and the conquest of more space. As a consequence, this has been one of the most adopted management models today.