In order to enforce the New Procurement Policy in an more aggressive way and to promote Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) segment of India, the Railway Ministry announced reservation of 358 items that are to be procured exclusively from the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs).
The Ministry said that the Micro and Small units would not have to pay the tender cost and earnest money deposit in bidding for the railway tender.
The list of items that are reserved for procurement from the Micro and small Units include handicraft, painting brushers, cleaning equipment, stationery, leather items etc.
Also, the Ministry informed that the MSEs will now be encouraged to participate in maintenance business and also in operation of rolling stock. It further said that supply of cable, linen, paints, wall panelling, drilling machines and coupler body will also be done by the sector.
These announcements come after a recent meeting between Railway minister Suresh Prabhu and other senior ministers, Officials from Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) and MSE Vendors.
The Ministry also requested its research wing Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO) to support the Micro and Small enterprises in innovation. Also SIDBi was advised to support the MSEs financially