At this year’s UN General Assembly Science Summit (SSUNGA78), Prof. Philip Sugai, Director of the Value Research Center (VRC) at Doshisha University, Dr. Victoria Hurth from the Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership (CISL), Dr. Mario Abela from the Value Balancing Alliance (VBA), and Prof. Haruko Satoh from Osaka University’s ESG Integration Research and Education Center (ESG-IREC) will hold individual presentations and a panel discussion about these questions as well as their answers.
The objective of this Science Summit is "to develop and launch science collaborations to demonstrate global science mechanisms and activities to support the attainment of the UN SDGs, Agenda 2030 and Local2030." This event brings together scientists, academics, government leaders and citizens from around the world to participate in a series of workshops, presentations and discussions.
The 9th annual Science Summit is being held live in New York and online and it is free to attend. This presentation is one of four events hosted by the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) and co-host, the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations.
"Beyond the wording on corporate websites, beyond the awards and sustainability scores, businesses have clear impacts on their stakeholders," said
. "The purpose of this workshop is to go beyond the talk surrounding sustainability issues to arrive at a useful, holistic model that is founded on purpose and offers a goal-based, objective, transparent approach for measuring and accounting for impacts and the value that they create. Not only for the world's largest corporations in developed economies, but for businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world."
This workshop will begin with opening remarks from Prof. Toshiya Hoshino, Director of the ESG Integration Research and Education Center (ESG-IREC), OSIPP, Osaka University, followed by individual presentations from:
- Dr. Victoria Hurth, Fellow and Advisory Board Member, Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership (CISL)
- Dr. Mario Abela, Strategic Advisor, Value Balancing Alliance (VBA)
- Prof. Philip Sugai, Director, Value Research Center (VRC)
- Prof. Haruko Satoh, Co-Director, OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre, Osaka University
This half-day workshop will be held online on, Monday, Sept 25, from 16:00 - 18:30 JST
Details, and free registration, are available at https://sciencesummitunga.com/ssunga78/