UN Trade and Development Marks 60th Anniversary

UN Trade and Development produces the key data for development policy and action design, closely partners with key UN agencies and other international partners.

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UN Trade and Development Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan
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 The 60th anniversary of UN Trade and Development will center on the Global Leaders Forum: “Charting a new development course in a changing world”.

The Forum will look at innovative strategies in industrial policy, digital transformation, FDI, and development, and how developing countries can adopt much needed targeted policies for sustainable and inclusive growth amid global challenges. Check out the programme here.

UN Trade and Development produces the key data for development policy and action design, closely partners with key UN agencies and other international partners. The organization amplifies the voice of the Global South in for a shaping global development. Ahead of the 60th anniversary, this has been further underscored by the first ever rebranding of the organization, consolidating the transformation initiated under Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan, the first woman to lead UN Trade and Development.


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